Executive Search

Matching executive talents with top companies for more than 10 years.

What matters to us

The key element for building long-term business relationships is, first and foremost, to find people who share your values. These values are important to us and they guide us throughout the entire recruitment process.







Our Services

Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.Henry Ford
Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.J.M. Barrie
We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work.Thomas A. Edison

Our Clients Say

  • Because of fast growth and constant winning new markets, last year the company CERATIZIT decided to develop sales of Industrial Wear Parts in Romania. Therefore, with help of Gracel we started looking for the right Sales Engineer. As a conclusion, thanks to Gracel, we found the right person in short time. Gracel supported us in a professional and efficient way, considering clear procedures and full commitment. Thank you, Gracel.

    Mariusz Siarkiewicz, Regional Sales Manager Eastern Europe | Ceratizit
  • Colaborare foarte buna cu Gracel. Deja avem un parteneriat de cativa ani pe care il vom continua cu siguranta. Apreciem focusul pe profilul dorit si flexibilitatea. Recomand cu caldura aceasta companie.

    Cristian Balmos, Executive Manager | Novatex
  • Gracel´s website stated: "Recruitment is like looking for a suit, it doesn't matter if it´s the best quality if it doesn´t fit". So stop searching for the tailor, go to Gracel!

    Gabriel Gahete, Managing Director | Bamesa Oțel
  • When you are working on a recruitment project with Gracel, you know from the beginning that you are on the right track. You are looking forward to receiving the proposed candidates because you know that they are interesting, motivated and they fulfill your expectations. Thank you, Gracel, for your professionalism! We will definitely work together on our future projects.

    Andras Policsek, Managing Director | Brasov Business Park
  • Emtech is a fast growing production organisation. With a growth of more than 20% per year, our personnel requirements are very dynamic. With Gracel we found the right partner who understands our business and our needs. Through frequent communication and support, Gracel provides the right candidates. It is not the number of candidates that counts but the correct match. In this way we save time and receive the right colleagues, with the right skills, matching our company culture. For us, the partnership between Emtech and Gracel is a real match.

    Erik van Geffen, Managing Director | EMTECH SRL
  • Când spun Gracel mă gândesc la oameni calzi, sinceri şi serioşi. Atunci când Gracel spune “da” pentru un proiect, ştiu că se ocupă şi se ocupă cu seriozitate. Ştiu că voi primi candidaturi de oameni serioşi, buni profesionişti şi totodată umani. Într-un cuvânt, oameni buni, aşa cum şi-i doreşte orice angajator. Am încheiat multe proiecte de recrutare împreună, şi cu siguranţă colaborarea noastră continuă. Mulţumesc, Gracel!

    Margareta Pascariu, Sef birou Resurse Umane | Preh Romania